They Transformed An Old Farm In Portugal Into Their Dream Home – See How!

In the verdant expanses of Northern Portugal, Tara and John Newby embarked on a transformative journey with the purchase of a dilapidated, three-acre mountainside farm in September of 2021. This acquisition wasn’t just a change of scenery for the Newbys but a leap towards realizing their dream of establishing an off-grid homestead for their young family, including their two sons, Crusoe and Sawyer. The property, left untended for over a dozen years, was a canvas of overgrowth and neglect, presenting a formidable challenge to the couple. Yet, armed with a vision and an indomitable spirit, they began the arduous task of breathing new life into this forgotten piece of land.

Upon their arrival in May of 2022, the Newbys faced the daunting reality of their purchase. The once-overlooked farm was a labyrinth of untamed wilderness, hiding its true potential beneath layers of brambles and bamboo. It was here that the family discovered not four, but five buildings on their land, each in varying states of disrepair. Among these was a quaint stone house, ready to be lived in, and a structure they initially mistook for a garage, which was, in fact, an adega, a traditional wine-making space. This revelation sparked an ambition in the Newbys to resurrect the farm’s viticultural heritage.

As the family delved into the renovation and clearing of the land, they uncovered hidden staircases, boulders, and breathtaking views, previously concealed by dense bamboo. Their efforts gradually revealed the farm’s inherent beauty and the vastness of the property they now called home. It was a testament to their hard work and the passage of time that, almost a year later, the farm had transformed, offering a stark contrast to the overgrown wilderness they initially encountered.

The renovation journey was punctuated by moments of community engagement, with the Newbys quickly discovering the generosity and kindness of the local Portuguese people. Assistance came in various forms, including the invaluable help of Senor Mario and his digger, which played a critical role in managing the bamboo problem. This community support underscored the project’s communal spirit, blending the Newbys’ aspirations with the goodwill of their new neighbors.

Among the many projects undertaken, the creation of a lawn stood out as a symbol of the Newbys’ commitment to creating a space for family life. This endeavor, ambitious in its scope, involved extensive preparation and the choice of a drought-resistant grass, reflecting their mindfulness towards sustainability. The lawn’s completion marked a significant milestone, providing a verdant playground for Crusoe and a foundation for the family’s outdoor activities.

In addition to the physical transformations, the farm became a haven for experimentation and growth. Tara’s attempt at making chutney from the farm’s plums, despite being a novice, epitomized the spirit of learning and adaptation that defined their journey. This endeavor was not just about cultivating land, but also about cultivating skills and knowledge, embracing the challenges and joys of homestead life.

The integration of animals into the farm’s ecosystem added another layer of complexity and joy. The arrival of a chicken and a duck, gifts to Crusoe, highlighted the intertwining of life and growth on the farm. Although not all stories had happy endings, as evidenced by the loss of the duck, these experiences contributed to the rich tapestry of farm life, teaching lessons of care, responsibility, and the cycles of nature.

One of the more imaginative projects was the conversion of an old water reservoir into a swimming pool, complete with a couch, showcasing John’s creative ambition and the family’s desire to blend functionality with fun. This project, like many others, was a testament to the Newbys’ ability to see potential where others might see ruin.

As the seasons changed, the farm bore witness to the family’s growth and adaptation. The arrival of Sawyer, the second son, amidst the challenges of a rainy season and a water shortage, marked a new chapter in the Newbys’ journey. Despite these hurdles, the family’s resolve only strengthened, driven by a commitment to making their homestead a sustainable and loving home.

The Newbys’ story is more than just a narrative of renovation; it’s a testament to the power of dreams, community, and hard work. From the revival of the farm’s viticultural heritage to the creation of a space for family life, their journey reflects a profound connection to the land and to each other. As they look to the future, with plans for expanding their agricultural endeavors and further integrating into their local community, the Newbys stand as a beacon of inspiration for anyone daring to chase their dreams, no matter the scale.

In sharing their story, the Newbys invite others to join them on their journey, not just as spectators, but as part of a global community of dreamers and doers. Their experience underscores the value of every minute and second spent pursuing one’s passions, a reminder that, in the end, it’s the accumulation of these moments